10 Pictures That Prove You Definitely Have Thalassophobia (Fear Of The Sea)
1 Huge Whales
The ocean is home to the largest animals on earth; many of which we don't even know much about! Just the immense size of some of the creatures is enough to send someone into a panic.
2Giant Jellyfish
Jellyfish are nothing to mess with, as even the really tiny ones can cause severe pain and even fatality! This gigantic lion's mane jellyfish is more terrifying to look at than it is harmful, as their stings just cause redness and irritation. You probably still wouldn't want to run into this huge thing though!
3Shark Followers
Kayaking alone on the sea only to turn around and see a shark tailing you? Nothing could be scarier!
4Sudden Drop
The water isn't too bad when you can see the ground, but when it disappears into a gigantic dark hole, that's not OK. Turn around! Head back for shore!
5Creepy Seaweed
Seaweed is not threatening, but it can sure look super creepy when lifted by a wave. They look like tentacles!
6Goblin Shark
The goblin shark is a truly terrifying-looking deep sea dweller. Imagine having this swim out at you in the darkness of the deep sea.
7Abandoned Watercrafts
The ocean floor doesn't just house creepy animals, but also some human waste. There's just something super creepy about investigating a giant abandoned submarine.
8Giant Squid
This is one of the only photos of a live giant squid. Able to grow to up to 43 feet, the giant squid is one of the largest animals in the world. You definitely don't want to run into one of them.
Normally the water's surface shields us from having to see the ocean's terrifying depths, but that's not so of the clear water around this island. Look at that drop-off!
One of the more well-known of the ocean's scary deep sea dwellers is the anglerfish. Although it isn't large, with that face and creepy lit-up tendrils, it's definitely terrifying.
10 Pictures That Prove You Definitely Have Thalassophobia (Fear Of The Sea)
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